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從美國辭掉apple工程師和精算師,成為YouTuber TheDoDoMen 的過程
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDoDoMen
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thedodomen
- 為什麼面對夢想只能裹足不前,評估狀況、想好計劃、下定決心 | Stop planning your dream, Just do it
- 把每一天當成最後一天來活,那要做什麼才有意義 | Live everyday like your last
- 危機就是轉機!雖然因為covid-19不能環遊世界,但轉職做 YouTuber又何嘗不是挑戰 | Crisis is opportunity
- 機會是留給準備好的人!因為舊金山封城而拍的影片開始被看到 | is it Luck or perserverance?
我們每集都會辦抽書活動,記得 follow 我們 🤩
We do book giveaways after every episode, remember to follow us! 🤩
IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LeftSideEscalator.Jacky/
(00:01:12) Jacky與Eric、Ian的相識過程 | How we met
(00:03:24) 神回覆的三個字形容自己 | 3 words to describe each other
(00:07:53) 小時候到美國的文化衝擊 | Cultural shock moving to the US
(00:11:50) 回台灣的逆向文化衝突居然是等垃圾車 | Reverse culture shock moving back to Taiwan
(00:14:58) 融合台灣和美國的文化 | Fusion of Taiwanese and American culture
(00:16:11) 亞洲家長的過度關心 | Asian parenting
(00:17:40) 兩邊的文化對人生有什麼影響 | Impact of being bi-cultural & bi-lingual
(00:21:03) 脫離舒適圈:自信和獨立思考 | Leaving comfort zone, confidence and independent thinking
(00:23:11) 成績不代表一切的證明 | Grades aren't everything
(00:25:58) 自信的無形蝴蝶效應 | The butterfly ball effect on building confidence
(00:27:13) 大學申請實習對課業影響 | Internships in college impact on their lives
(00:30:27) 大學除了課業以外 最大的收穫 | Biggest takeaways from school other than academics
(00:32:03) Eric 和 Ian的相識過程 | How Eric & Ian met
(00:32:50) 聊聊apple工程師和精算師的工作 | Jobs as Apple Engineer and Actuary science
(0037:03) 什麼時候埋下辭職的種子 | When the idea of quitting
(00:38:07) Ian首次公開的人生大事 | Ian's exclusive story
(00:41:30) 以下暴雷「靈魂急轉彎」請注意 | "Soul" the movie / spoiler alert
(00:42:27) 為什麼會想開Youtube頻道 | Why start YouTube channel?
(00:43:25) 剛開始拍Youtube的時候最難的是 | Hardest thing about starting a channel
(00:45:16) 會不會不適應成為Influencer要公開私生活?| Private life
(00:47:34) 還不成名的時候怎麼堅持 | Perseverance before fame
(00:48:38) 舊金山封城是轉折點 | Lockdown turnaround
(00:51:25) 數據放一邊 先做自己想做的 | Data aside, do what you want
(00:52:36) 犧牲很大 但觀看很少的影片 | Huge sacrifice, low reward videos
(00:53:30) 回覆酸民留言來了 | Here's to you haters
(00:56:23) YouTuber最容易被誤會的事 | Biggest misconception from being YouTubers
(00:57:10) 只有先準備好 才有爆紅的機會 | Luck is for those who are prepared
(00:59:45) 一開始有設立停損嗎 | Limit stop?
(01:00:49) YouTuber Role Model
(01:01:33) 影片想傳遞的核心價值 | Core value from videos
(1:02:24) 兩個人意見不同的時候 | When disagreement happens
(1:05:34) 成為YouTuber最大的成長 | Biggest learning from becoming YouTubers
(1:06:55) YouTuber的時間管理 | Time management as YouTubers
(1:09:29) 創造和技術類工作的差異 | Difference between a content creator and technical career
#7 TheDoDoMen (上) - 辭掉美國矽谷Apple工程師/精算師🍎 成為台灣爆紅 YouTubers 🔥 離開舒適圈的精神代表 💪